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Safely Exercising Senior Dogs with Care by PetWell

Safely Exercising Senior Dogs with Care

Safely exercising senior dogs with care is of great importance because it directly impacts their overall well-being and quality of life. As dogs age, their bodies become more susceptible to various health issues, particularly joint problems, and mobility challenges. 

The right type and amount of exercise are essential to keep them healthy. Exercising older dogs with care helps prevent injuries, minimises discomfort, and supports their physical and mental health. 

As our dogs age, their joints can often become a source of discomfort and pain. This is where the importance of supplementing senior dogs with a high-quality joint supplement like PetWell’s all-natural MOBILITY Hip + Joint Relief comes into great importance.

This specially formulated supplement provides much-needed support for ageing joints, helping to reduce stiffness, inflammation, and improve mobility. 

PetWell MOBILITY Hip + Joint Relief supplement and functional treats are packed with a powerful blend of anti-inflammatory ingredients. Including naturally occurring omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, and chondroitin, these products are designed to support your pet's joint health. 
PetWell MOBILITY Hip and Joint Supplement for dogs and cats

Whether your pet is ageing, active, or simply needs that extra boost, our MOBILITY supplement and functional treats provide the ultimate solution. Give them MOBILITY today.

Read more about Natural Joint Supplements for Dogs

As dogs age, their bodies become more susceptible to various health issues, particularly joint problems, and mobility challenges. 

How to Safely Exercise Senior Dogs 

Exercising older dogs requires a different approach than exercising younger ones. Here are some tips for ensuring that your senior dog stays safe and comfortable during physical activity:

Consult with a Veterinarian

Before starting or modifying any exercise regimen for your senior dog, consult your veterinarian. They assess your dog's specific health status, considering any underlying conditions or physical limitations. They can offer tailored advice on the most suitable exercise types and intensity levels for your dog, ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the process.

Low-Impact Activities

Opting for low-impact exercises is essential for senior dogs, as these activities are gentle on their ageing joints. Activities like leisurely walks, swimming, or modified play allow them to stay active without subjecting their bodies to excessive strain. 

By reducing the impact on joints and bones, you help mitigate the risk of injury and discomfort, promoting a more comfortable and active lifestyle for your senior dog.

Shorter and More Frequent Sessions

Instead of long, strenuous workouts, break your senior dog's exercise routine into shorter, more frequent sessions. This approach prevents overexertion, which can lead to fatigue and potential injury. It also allows for better recovery between activities, ensuring that your dog remains engaged and comfortable while staying physically active.

Walking do Safely Exercising Senior Dogs with Care by PetWell

Warm-Up and Cool-Down

Just like humans, dogs benefit from warm-up and cool-down periods to prepare their bodies for exercise and help them recover afterward. Starting the exercise session with a slow-paced walk gradually increases their heart rate and loosens their muscles, reducing the risk of strains or sprains. Similarly, finishing with a gentle cool-down walk aids in preventing muscle strain and discomfort, contributing to a safer and more enjoyable exercise experience.

Modify Activities

As dogs age, their physical capabilities change, and it's essential to adapt their exercise routines accordingly. Modify games and activities to align with your senior dog's current abilities and preferences. This not only keeps them engaged but also minimises the risk of injury due to activities that may be too demanding for them at this stage of life.

Monitor Signs of Discomfort

If you notice signs of discomfort such as limping, excessive panting, or reluctance to participate, stop the activity immediately. Recognising these signs and responding promptly helps prevent injuries and ensures your senior dog's well-being throughout their exercise routine.

Stay Hydrated

Always have fresh water readily available for your senior dog during and after exercise. Hydration is essential to prevent dehydration, which can have adverse effects on their overall health. 

Adequate Rest

Adequate rest is a fundamental component of a senior dog's exercise routine. Providing your dog with plenty of time for rest and recovery between exercise sessions is essential. Quality sleep and relaxation are crucial for their overall well-being, helping them recover from physical exertion and promoting their physical and mental health.

Read more about The Importance of Exercising Your Dog

Dog Exercise Benefits

Walking do Safely Exercising Senior Dogs with Care by PetWell

Exercise is essential for dogs of all ages, and senior dogs are no exception. Here are some of the key benefits of regular exercise for older canines:

  • Weight management: A healthy weight is crucial for senior dogs to reduce the risk of obesity-related health issues, such as arthritis and heart problems. Read more about Weight Management in Dogs Made Easy: The Balancing Act
  • Mental stimulation: Physical activity provides mental stimulation, keeping older dogs mentally sharp and engaged. Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise to prevent cognitive decline in ageing dogs.
  • Muscle and joint health: Appropriate exercise helps maintain muscle mass and supports joint health. This can be particularly important for senior dogs, as they may be more prone to conditions like arthritis. Try PetWell MOBILITY supplement and MOBILITY + LAMB functional treats for extra joint support.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Regular exercise can enhance cardiovascular fitness and improve blood circulation, reducing the risk of heart problems in older dogs.
  • Social interaction: Exercise provides an opportunity for social interaction, whether it's with other dogs at a park or quality bonding time with their owners.

Read more about the Benefits of Exercise for Dogs: Exercises to Boost Your Dog’s Health

In Summary

Exercising older dogs is not just about keeping them fit; it's about improving their quality of life. The benefits of dog exercise, including weight management, mental stimulation, and improved joint health, are especially important for senior canines. However, it's crucial to approach exercise with care, considering their age and physical condition.


The entire contents of this email and website are not to be taken as medical advice. PetWell encourages you to make your own pet healthcare decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified pet healthcare professional.

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