The PetWell Story
I don’t think I’m different to any other pet owner who loves and adores their pet; I want my dog Archie
to live a long, happy and healthy life. To be honest I want him to live forever!
So, you will understand why my heart broke into what felt like a million pieces when as a 9-week-old puppy, he was diagnosed with extreme anxiety. Unfortunately, part of his genetic makeup, Archie would become terribly distressed even if we went into another room, so we were left with no other alternative than to put him on an anti-anxiety medication.
Speaking to many other pet owners, it struck me how many similar stories there were out there in the community. Not only relating to anxiety, but hip and joint pain, dementia and digestive problems. All with the sole solution of administering synthetic drugs.
Instinct told me this wasn’t ideal and this was proven correct when at age of 4½ Archie’s liver was showing signs of deterioration. That’s when Tracey, my co-founder and I joined forces. As a breast cancer survivor and someone who suffers an autoimmune disease and a joint passion for natural health, we had done a significant amount of research on drugs and the affect that certain foods have on our bodies. With the benefit of that knowledge, we can now choose what goes into our bodies to give ourselves the best chance of a long and happy life.