Dangerous Foods: What's Toxic for Dogs. There are some human foods that are healthy and can be safely given to our pets. However, there are also many that are toxic for them. In fact, so dangerous they can be fatal. Let's look at toxic foods for dogs.
Before you head to your fridge or pantry to give your pet a treat, it’s important to know what NOT to give them. Many human foods are toxic for dogs, even in very small doses. These foods can make them very ill and can have life-threatening consequences. Therefore, it’s crucial you know what foods to avoid giving your dog.
Here at PetWell®, we support human-grade foods for our pets. You just need to know which ones are safe. There are many benefits in giving our fur babies treats such as apples, carrots, or broccoli. Plus supplements with all-natural ingredients like the PetWell range.
For years we have been told that certain foods are bad or toxic for dogs and cats, not all true. As the researchers learn more about the benefits of human food for pets, some of these myths are busted. A great example of this is the myth that avocados are bad for pets.
Ongoing research has been able to bust some myths about human foods that are toxic for dogs. A great example is the myth that avocados are bad for pets.
We now know that the fleshy part of the avocado is safe and healthy for dogs and cats. It is full of healthy fats and vitamins. Like anything, appropriate-sized portions apply.
Do not give them the skin or pip of avocado. Persin is the dangerous toxin present in avocado's. Mainly in the pip and leaves, so these parts should not be eaten. Although there are trace amounts of persin in the flesh, your pet would need to eat around 100 avocados for it to be an issue. In small amounts, the benefits far outweigh the risk.
Let's take a look at the foods that are actually toxic for your pets.
Toxic Foods for Dogs
1. Alcohol
Alcoholic beverages and foods containing alcohol can lead to serious illness for pets. Cats and dogs are very sensitive to alcohol, even in small doses. It can cause seizures, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Plus it can cause damage to the central nervous system, lung failure, or even death.
If you have a pet, be mindful not to leave alcohol spillages where they can get to it. Alcohol is also present in mouthwash, perfume, and some cleaning products. Please keep all these items out of reach of your pets.
2. Chocolate
Chocolate contains sugar, caffeine, and a chemical called theobromine (methylxanthines) all of which are toxic to dogs and cats. Dark chocolate has the highest content of theobromine due to its higher levels of cocoa powder. The more cacao, the more toxic the chocolate is.
Chocolate has also been known to cause kidney failure. The smallest amount of chocolate can cause serious illness including diarrhoea, stomach pain and vomiting. Also, increased heart rate, and in larger amounts can cause seizures and death.
3. Onions, Leeks and Chives
Onions should not be given to pets. Even the smallest amounts (cooked or raw) can be toxic. Along with chives, leeks and shallots, they can damage the red blood cells, leading to anaemia which makes your dog feel tired all the time. A blood transfusion will be required to save them.
It’s important to note onion poisoning may have delayed symptoms, up to a few days later. Some side effects are gastrointestinal irritation, red blood cell damage, vomiting, diarrhoea, and increased heart rate.
Note: GARLIC IS SAFE FOR DOGS, even though it is part of the onion family. They would need to consume many kilos of it to be an issue.
4. Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts are extremely dangerous for pets. Even a few of these nuts have enough toxins to cause harm. The toxin in macadamias can affect the nervous system. Resulting in weakness, swollen limbs, vomiting, tremors, and increased body temperature.
5. Grapes and Raisins
Grapes and raisins are so toxic for pets they can cause kidney failure and liver damage. It doesn't matter if they are raw or cooked. Foods that contain raisins such as cereals, cakes, and biscuits should also be avoided.
6. Xylitol (artificial sweetener)
This lab-created sweetener can be found in many foods and beverages, mainly diet products. Xylitol is often used in sweets, chewing gum, and also human toothpaste.
Xylitol will cause an insulin release. Even in small amounts, it can lead to vomiting, weakness, a decrease in blood sugar (hypoglycaemia), and seizures or liver failure.
It can also be found in our pet's favourite treat - peanut butter. So make sure you carefully check the product label. Always choose 100% peanut butter with no added ingredients. It's safe to give your fur babies natural peanut butter.
7. Salty Snacks

Much like us, our pets love salty snacks. However, they have a lower tolerance for salt. Eating too much can lead to salt poisoning. It causes water deprivation, leading to vomiting, diarrhoea, elevated body temperature, and seizures. Next time you’re enjoying potato chips, salted popcorn, or even salty cold meats, refrain from sharing them with your pet.
8. Raw Yeast Dough
Feeding raw yeast dough to dogs can be dangerous and life-threatening. The yeast in the dough can rise whilst in your dog’s stomach and cause an accumulation of gas. This expansion will put pressure on the lungs making it hard to breathe. Plus it can cause bloating and lead to stomach twisting, becoming a life-threatening situation.
In addition, the yeast can produce ethanol (alcohol) as it ferments which can cause alcohol poisoning, resulting in possible seizures and respiratory failure.
9. Cooked Bones
As tempting as it is to give your dog a bone, make sure it’s not a cooked bone. Although bones are not toxic for pets, cooked bones can cause serious damage. They can easily splinter and cause a perforation in the gut which can be life-threatening. Large amounts of cooked bone can also cause serious constipation. Raw is better!
What Should You Do if Your Dog Eats Any of These Foods?
If consumed, even in the smallest amount, these foods can be fatal. You should act quickly and take your dog to the vet! It’s best to be overly cautious.
If you're looking for an all-natural supplement that is safe for your fur baby, try PetWell Thrive as a healthy topper for their food.
Did you know about these top 10 toxic foods for dogs? There are other human foods that can also make your pet sick such as caffeine, rotten fruit, and nutmeg, to name a few but the above list is the most dangerous. Do you have any others? Leave a comment below.
Read more about A Guide to Safe and Healthy Foods for Dogs
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this email and website are not to be taken as medical advice. The team at PetWell encourages you to make your own pet healthcare decisions based on your research. And in partnership with a qualified pet healthcare professional.